Dr. Jyoti Bhalla- the Principal of Guru Nanak College of Education, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi is Master in Science and has Doctorate in Education. She has been long associated with the field of Education as an Assistant Professor and Principal as well.
In a world where the social fabric has been riddled with a slew of ethical conundrums and humanity has allowed for the proliferation of sheer materialism and individual growth, Guru Nanak College of Education functions as a community where we realize the aim of education can never be exclusively academic and thus aim is to create an atmosphere of moral incandescence in learning process. Our endeavor is to equip our pupil-teachers with life-skills to face the real world –be it planning, organizing, and deciding with challenges confidently. At college we ensure that the values of hard work and efficiency are used as ideological weapons to train our pupil-teachers to face a world replete with stereotypical beliefs and discrimination. At the same time, knowledge and training are understood as being in constant metamorphosis and growth, thus enabling the young mind to make best of the opportunities available to them. The college ensures that each student's journey through his/her training is meaningful, exciting, relevant and extrapolative. We attempt to not only impart quality education but also create independent thinking and sensitive future leaders who are nurtured to serve as torch bearers to ignite many more minds and lead the country to the path of development with vision and dedication. With these words I welcome coming generations with open heart to be a part of this educational institution.
Dr. Jyoti Bhalla

Sundar Pichai ICT Resource Centre
We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.
- David Warlick
Information and Communication technologies is a broad term which encompasses use of different technological tools such as computer, internet, telephone for the storage, search and retrieval of relevant information for our daily and business needs. ICT has revolutionized the teaching and learning process. ICT in Education helps a teacher to make learning process more interesting and promote higher order thinking skills in students.
SundarPichai ICT Resource Center at GNCE is equipped with 32 Computers, sophisticated and advanced hardware devices, online UPS, webcam and headphones, LCD Projectors, latest softwares, multimedia tools, laptops, Smart board, etc. GNCE campus has free Wi-Fi facility. We at GNCE work towards a future ready pupil teachers’ who are skilled and experienced with a positive attitude towards the integration of ICT tools and techniques in the teaching learning process.
We believe in what Steve Jobs said “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”
Aryabhatta Curriculum Resource Centre for Maths
Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.
-David Hilbert
The Aryabhatta Curriculum Resource Centre for Maths at GNCE, is dedicated to the great mathematician of India. Aryabhatta curriculum resource centre of Maths is visualized as a space for the professional development of student teachers and faculty of education. As the name suggest in the resource centre we incorporate best methods out of time tested old training system as well as the modern tools and techniques of teaching. It’s a platform wherein pupil teachers can learn from existing best practices, experiences of others and also use the tools or models available in the resource centre to become a System efficient and effective educator who take responsibility for their own professional development and provide better teaching learning environment in the classroom.
We recognize that learning is a continuous process and takes place on pillars of past best practices while improving with technology and other streams of knowledge support. This centre aims to provide opportunities for such shared learning and improvement. Mathematics resource centre is furnished with the equipment’s like charts, models and other apparatus which helps our student teachers to build conceptual aspects of Mathematics in their students of secondary and senior secondary school during internship programme. At GNCE we believe in the quotes given by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics "Concepts are the substance of mathematical knowledge."

Rabindranath Tagore Language Lab
“A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”
- Noam Chomsky
As per NCF 2005 “Language is best acquired through different meaning-making contexts, and hence all teaching is in a sense language teaching”. Language has a dual role to play; we teach it as pedagogy and simultaneously use it as a medium of the teaching learning process. We at GNCE consider best way to develop language expertise is through activities and participation. Language lab at GNCE is having all the requisite apparatus like LCD Projectors, CDs/DVDs, Dictionaries, Models computers with appropriate software to involve our pupil teachers in active participation.
Our language labs facilitate student teachers to exercise the language practice with the help of different activities based on the computer. Pupil teachers are guided with a lot of communication skill practice. They are groomed to enhance pronunciation, etiquette, giving instructions, framing interactive questions in their practice teaching. Learning happens in an attractive and structured way that helps our pupil teachers to develop a strong concept and in turn they are able to teach the secondary and secondary school students in an efficient manner
Milkha Singh
Health and Physical Education Resource Centre
Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.
- John F. Kennedy
Health and physical education are a key component of our education system. Physical education helps in a number of ways to improve the overall personality of a student It helps students to focus, reduces stress, keep physically fit, build confidence and improve the academic performance. S. Milkha Singh health and Physical Education Resource Centre provides various opportunities to our pupil Teachers to remain physically active with the help of equipment related to sports such as table tennis, Carom, Badminton, Chess and Cricket.
The resource centre also provides opportunities for recreational activities, Rhythmic and yogic activities. We believe that a teacher’s role is diverse in today’s mechanized world. We want to incorporate our pupil teacher an appreciation for Health is wealth by maintain healthy food habit and adequate physical activities so that they can embrace a position of role model in their students’ life efficiently. At GNCE we believe in Plato’s saying “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation”.

Dr. Jean Piaget
Educational Psychology Lab
“If you want to be creative, stay in part a child, with the creativity and invention that characterizes children before they are deformed by adult society.”
–Jean Piaget
How we learn and assimilate information is directly influenced by our Psychology. Knowing various learning styles and related theories help a pupil teacher to deal with students in a better way and develop a positive learning environment. A prospective teacher must be groomed in a way so that they are able to understand both the learner and the learning context within the classroom and simultaneously able to evaluate the factors which can affect learning. Guru Nanak College of Education has Dr. Jean Piaget Educational Psychology lab for teaching and research activities in educational psychology.
The objectives of the psychology lab are to familiarize the pupil teachers with different dimensions of personality such as intelligence, attitude, aptitude, Assessment, motivation etc. The lab is equipped with various tests, online material and other psychological apparatus needed for the understanding of teaching learning process in psychology. The Psychology lab is equipped with General Mental Ability test, Picture Completion test, Group intelligence test, Social Intelligence Scale (SIS), Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Bell’s Adjustment Inventory, Multiple Intelligence Indicators for Adults, Anxiety Scale, Teacher Aptitude Test Battery (TATB), Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence, Verbal Test of Creative Thinking, Charts and DVD’s related to Educational Psychology.At GNCE we believe in Carl Rogers saying “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change”.
Bhagat Puran Singh
Curriculum Resource Centre for Social Science
The basic postulate from which I start is that the goal of the social sciences is the liberation of man.
-Jon Elster
National Focus Group on teaching of Social Sciences states that “The social sciences encompass diverse concerns of society and include a wide range of content, drawn from the disciplines of history, geography, political science, economics and sociology”. Social Science helps us in countless ways to understand the world around us which includes peoples, institutions and various day to day functioning.
At GNCE we want our pupil teachers to understand the crux of social science and must be able to communicate the importance and need of social sciences to the school students effectively. The Social Science Resource Centre of Guru Nanak College of Education is striving towards the attainment of this aim by providing our students with study material, ICT teaching aids and other equipment suchas ACD, DVD, VCD on different topics, Day and night apparatus, Magnetic compass, Rain Gauge System, Wind vane apparatus, Globes, Maps, 3D Models, Charts and documentaries on the topic of social sciences. Curriculum Resource Centre for Social Science is having different activities for our pupil teachers where they can blend their academic excellence with the practical knowledge under the able guidance of their mentors. The UNESCO rightly quotes “The social sciences have a critical contribution to make, in helping us understand, imagine and craft a more sustainable future for all”.

Dr. Kalpana Chawla Curriculum Resource Centre for Science
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Science is much appreciated in today’s world because of its application in the form of scientific knowledge which aids to alleviate basic sufferings of human beings and improve their living standards. Teaching and learning in the field of science involves a continuous process of practical investigation. Science laboratories always believes in the concept of ‘learning by doing’ and help students to understand the concepts and scientific phenomenon more precisely.
The Dr.Kalpana Chawla Curriculum Resource Center for Science was set up following the guidelines of NCFTE for Science Resource Center. We at GNCE strongly believe that doing practicals are important part of the learning process. A well-equipped laboratory can help students to develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills and develop a broad understanding of scientific concepts. Science Resource Center at GNCE is fully equipped with Model and biology specimens, Slides, different Microscopes such as Compound, Binocular and Dissecting, Battery eliminators, Tuning Forks, Various reagents, Charts, Galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltammeter, Water bath etc that enables our pupil teachers to teach at secondary and senior secondary level. Pupil teachers are encouraged to use the resource centre and get a first-hand exposure under the constant guidance and supervision of teacher educators. Martin H. Fisher truly said “All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind”.
Amrita Sher-Gill
Art and Craft Resource Centre
Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and colour, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.
— Winston Churchill.
Art and craft are considered as an essential part of curriculum for the all-round development of an individual due to its ability to enhance creativity, decision making skill, self-esteem etc. Simultaneously it provides opportunities to understand our culture better. Amrita Sher-gill Art and Craft Resource Center provides sufficient art and craft materials and space for the appreciation and engagement in crafts. Our resource center has ample supply of yarn, fabric scraps, embroidery printing ink, wood beads, glass beads, different type of papers, variety of tools, rangoli kits, mask kits, stitches Kits, doll making kits, telescope kits, tanjore painting, knife painting and dhokra art kit.
Our pupil teachers continuously participate in various competitions being organized at university and state level. We also encourage our pupil teachers to participate in workshops being organized in GNCE so that they will able to combine some art form in their regular classroom teaching to build the interest of their students in learning. We believe in Picasso who said that “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Sudha Chandran
Inclusive Education Resource Centre
Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.
-Mahatma Gandhi
Inclusive Education aspires to integrate special needs children in mainstream education irrespective of their social and cultural background. The inclusive education setup requires future teachers to be prepared in advance so that they are capable of addressing the need of diverse groups by incorporating new pedagogical skills.
Our pupil teachers are trained to determine the diverse learning needs and how to create individualized learning plans to promote active learning. Stakeholders of the education must maintain a positive outlook towards inclusion and participate with enthusiasm and rigor. At GNCE we provide ample opportunities to our pupil teachers to collaborate and participate in different workshop and seminars. They learn how they can accommodate the different learning styles and simultaneously how to design various curriculum materials. Our resource Centre is equipped with several tools to facilitate inclusive setup at GNCE such as Sign boards, Braille Trainer Plate, Software Non-Visual Desktop, Audible Vibratory Liquid Level Indicator; Audio described film and many more. At GNCE we believe in Nelson Mandela’s saying “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”.
Bhagat Singh
Personality Development Lab
“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight. If you want to reach your goals and fulfil your potential, become intentional about your personal growth. It will change your life.”
-Jim Rohn
Personality itself is a part of communication which plays an important role in any learning environment. A personality of an individual includes physique, self-consciousness, behaviour pattern, intellect, thoughts and is the results of acquisition of experiences. Personality Development is the process of enhancement of capabilities, expertise and Know-how which in turn helps to realize their aspirations and Dreams.
We at GNCE believe personality development of a teacher plays an important role in enhancing their personal growth as well as their students’ growth. At Bhagat Singh Personality Development Lab we organizes different formal and informal group activities and self-development programmes for our pupil teachers. Our pupil teachers actively participate in different workshop being organized by personality development lab such as stress management, public speaking, intelligence tests and problem solving. At GNCE we believe in Gandhi ji’s saying “We must be the change you want to see in the world”.

One of the main responsibilities of the Placement office is to motivate, train and prepare the students for campus interviews. It plays a very important and key role in counselling and guiding the students for their successful career placement, which is a crucial interface for the students between the stage of completion of two year B.Ed. program and entry into suitable employment. Some of the major activities of the Placement Cell are organizing campus interviews, various training programmes like Personality Development, Mock Aptitude tests, Group Discussion Organizing Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Extension lectures in the GNCE Campus.
Bhai Mardana JI
Music Room
Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.
- Plato
Music is synchronized composition of Melody, Harmony and Rhythm which has the power to improve brain development and helps in socialization, building concentration and reducing the stress. The aim of having a music lab in GNCE is to develop an appreciation and understanding for music and help our Pupil Teacher identify their interest area.
We at GNCE believe that Music helps to build self-esteem, confidence, creative thinking and connect with our culture. Bhai Mardana Ji music room at GNCE is equipped with various resources required for the expansion of the musical knowledge of our pupil teachers. Music room has various musical instruments such as Tabla, Tanpura, Harmonium, and Music CDs. These resources are readily available to our students whenever they want to participate in various Inter and intra college competitions. GNCE also has a dedicated team of enthusiastic students named “Divinity” which brought many laurels till date for the college.

Baba Kahan Singh Nabha Library
"Everything you need for better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library."
- Henri Frederic Amiel
Books are a culmination of our imagination, experience, inspiration and whole lot of other human emotions. Books available in a Library provide a serene place for a learner and fulfills the need for the required relevant information.
Guru Nanak College of Education has a vast collection of over 8000 books in its library along with 15 Journals, 27 Magazines and 78 educational CDs and DVDs. GNCE library is equipped with Koha software which is a fully featured, scalable Library Management System. This software provides all the relevant information about Title, Author, Publisher and contents of the book. Online Public Access Catalog facility is available on web 24*7 live with domain All the members of the library are provided with mail service for paper less circulation. The library is equipped with Digital gate entry.
We at GNCE motivate our pupil teacher to spend quality time in the peaceful environment of our library because we believe in the words of Solomon Ortiz “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.”

The College has well furnished and air conditioned Staff Room for teachers where separate cabinets are provided to all teachers so that they can plan and prepare themselves for classroom discussions.
For the accomplishment of office related work GNCE has fully furnished Administrative Room.

The College fully air conditioned and well equipped Seminar Room with interactive facilities like: LCD Projector, speakers, smart board etc.
GNCE has a spacious, well equipped and fully Air conditioned Multi Purpose Hall which can accommodate all the trainees for discussion on common issues and organizing different activities.