Dr. Jyoti Bhalla
Principal, GNCE
“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.”
-Nikos Kazantzakis
Teachers play a very important role in the lives of their students. They act as a guide, mentor, and supporter in taking their students to heights. The teacher is the nation builder. He/ She brings out the best in each child which leads him to the way of success. A positive relationship between the teacher and the students should be developed to achieve quality education. It also contributes to the development of a sense of belonging and encourages students to be more participatory. The teachers can shape their students’ future. They are the supporters and the role models for their students who teach them to work hard and shine like a star.
I am delighted that the college is growing so fast and our pupil trainees have been performing very well in both academics and co-curricular activities. The faculty at GNCE are putting their best efforts into drawing out the best in each student.
Now more than ever, it is crucial that education colleges integrate new learning techniques to help prepare the aspirants for the future workplace and therefore, we at GNCE have been making constant efforts to employ newer techniques in our teachings to keep up with the updated curriculum as well as the latest trends in education.
It is also my pleasure to inform that GNCE constantly maintains an active partnership between the college, home and community. The college strongly believes that each of its students must receive the guidance, attention and opportunities that will help them learn, broaden their experiences and develop the self-confidence that they need to come out as competent teachers.
The Management and the faculty at Guru Nanak College of Education have been working tirelessly to keep abreast of the latest requirements in the interest of our students, ranging from the college’s infrastructure to the regular professional and personality development activities for the staff and the students at the national and the international levels.
We take pride in maintaining that all these efforts when put together along with the exemplary performances of our students in academics as well as co-curricular activities have led us to be in the “A+ Category” of higher educational institutions as per the SFRC and we strongly resolve to upkeep our standards to contribute towards the progress of our Nation.