ICT QUIZ Welcome to your ICT QUIZ FULL NAME EMAIL 1. www stands for a. World worm web b. World wide web c. West worm web d. None of these None 2. A________________ is a group of independent computers attached to one another through communication media. a. Internet b. E-mail c. Network d. All of the above None 3. Which of the following is a presentation program? a. MS-Word b. Ms-Excel c. Ms-Power Point d. Ms- Access None 4. Which of the following is a storage device? a. Hard Disk b. USB Disk c. Floppy Disk d. All of the above None 5. All files deleted from computer are stored in _______________ a. Control panel b. Recycle bin c. My computers d. None of these None 6. What is Windows XP? a. Operating system b. Part of MS office c. Anti-Virus software d. Internet browser None 7. HTML stands for a. Hyper text markup Language b. Hidden text markup load c. Hidden tool marking load d. Hyper tool making load None 8. Which of the following is not an internet browser? a. Internet Explorer b. Chrome c. Firefox d. MS Office None 9. Full form of URL is a. Undefined risk locator b. Uniform Resource locator c. Uniform Risk loader d. Undefined resource loader None 10. ______________ is the act of looking through a set of information quickly, without a specific sense of purpose. a. Browsing b. Copying c. Pasting d. Cutting None Type the words below. Time's up